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Whitstone School is an Academy School, operated under the name of ‘Whitstone School Academy Trust’.

Academies are independent, state-funded schools, which receive their funding directly from central Government, rather than through a local authority.

The day-to-day running of the school is the responsibility of the head teacher, overseen by our Board of Trustees.

The Whitstone School Board of Trustees plays a vital role in the leadership and direction of the school.  Whitstone School is fortunate to benefit from the wealth of knowledge and experience each School Trustee brings to the table, and we are thankful for the time and expertise they afford us in being such an important part of the Whitstone School Community.

If you would be interested in being involved in the development of Whitstone School at a strategic level and would like to apply to be a School Trustee, please contact us.

Members and Trustees:

Matt Hill
Susan Simpson
Victoria Marcangelo-Lyons (Chair of Trustees)


Ms Maz Turner

Parent Trustees:

Victoria Marcangelo-Lyons

Staff Trustees:

Ben Abell

Appointed Trustees:

William Leung (Vice Chair)
Helen Heaton

Co-Opted Trustees:

Sarah Lennon

Joy James

Gemma Pearce

Clerk to the Trustees:

Joanna Boughen-Hunt

Academy Trust Documents:


Staff Salaries

 We are required to publish on our website how many employees receive benefits exceeding £100,000, in £10,000 bandings for the previous year ended 31st August. 

 We confirm that one member of staff has received benefits exceeding £110,000.